Saturday, July 08, 2006

another 10 hour day

i have come to the conclusion that soccer players exist only to make life a living hell for those who work in a kitchen. i spent ten hours cooking for them today and they would not stop coming in. this was the busiest shift i have had in a long time. the only benefit was that the front of house manager paul was cool enough to take a break and give me a lift home. and my tip out should be massive. considering i am living off my tips that will be nice. also i have to go through this all tomorrow again so i will miss half my freaking party. my luck all the hot moxies chicks i invited will be there whilst i will be working. and steve will be very happy. asshole. i think i will have to start showing up for work with a realistic water gun or something. when i want to go home pull it out and everyone will leave. sadly i don't think it will work so i will have to threaten to quit or something. with a little luck they will let me :P oh well at least the people are cool. well enough of my bitching for one day i am going to watch a movie and get some sleep now. ttyl


At 5:25 PM , Blogger Dez Dez said...

Ten hours eh... :P

HOpe you're parties awesome :D

At 4:50 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here are some links that I believe will be interested

At 1:51 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here are some links that I believe will be interested


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