Saturday, September 16, 2006

pity me

i have experiansed the worst moment in my life. i was at work when i noticed i had some whitish grey shit on my face. i promptly tryed to wash it off assuming i had splashed some sour cream on myself ar something along those lines. after ten minutes of furious scrubbing i was forced to give up and admit i have started to sprout .................. dear god help me............... fucking grey hairs. i am actually turning old and grey. pity me for you will all experiance this too in time. it is horrible. i cryed and i cried. and the bartender told me so suck it up. she is only 21 so what does she know. that is my sob story please all pity me for i am now not just senile but old as well. :( le sigh and boo hoo


At 11:08 AM , Blogger Dez Dez said...

Noone is going to pity you!!! It is a fact of life!! Suck it up :P

At 2:06 PM , Blogger Phil said...

Haha poor chris. poor poor chris. I fear the same day. though... with me the grey is going to make me look even more sexy than I already am. Meow.

BTW Puking doesnt affect the pare at all. It's understoood that everyone will puke at some point.


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